Polytechnic of Leiria has recently saw approved all the applications submitted to the competition promoted by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for Research and Development (R&D) projects for Institutes and Polytechnic Schools. Warranting about 1.5 million euros for their development, these projects will be developed during the next 18 months, in partnership with several local and regional entities and other Polytechnic Institutions.

Below is the winning list. More information on most of them can be found in this section. Now and in the following months.

Congratulations to all the researchers, and we wish you great success!


2bio4cartilage | Integrated intervention program for prevention and treatment of cartilage lesions | Pedro Morouço | CDRsp

TeenPower | e-Empowering teenagers to prevent obesity | Pedro Sousa | UIS

CBMeter | Medical device for metabolic diseases early screening | Maria Guarino | UIS

Help2Care | Help to care for dependent person and caregivers | Maria dos Anjos Dixe | UIS

Movida | Physical activity monitoring platform | Rui Fonseca-Pinto | IT-IPLeiria

Care4Value | Enhancing value creation in long-term care units integrated in private welfare institutions | Ana Sargento | CIGS

ProLearn4ALL | Learning products for ALL | Catarina Mangas | iACT

Learn2Behave | Understanding energy behaviors to induce efficiency in energy consumption through PBL strategies | Luís Neves | INESCC-IPLeiria

HomeGreens | Aquaponic home systems | Raúl Bernardino | MARE-IPLeiria

CP2S | Ceramics, heritage and sustainable products: from teaching to industry | José Frade | LIDA