National Science Summit 2018 with an expressive participation of Polytechnic of Leiria





Polytechnic of Leiria was present in the National Science Summit 2018 – Science and Technology Summit in Portugal, sponsored by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. This annual meeting has as main objectives the dynamization of a broad debate on the main themes and challenges of the current national scientific situation and the interaction between researchers, enterprises and the general public. 

Polytechnic of Leiria branches of Marine and Environmental Sciences Center (MARE–IPLeiria) and Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT-IPLeiria) had stands to showcase their research of excellence, attracting hundreds of daily visits. Other research units presented their state of the art research through several oral communications and posters presentations.



Oral communications

Plenary Sessions
MARE e a Transferência de Conhecimento”: Maria Manuel Gil – MARE-IPLeiria 


Parallel Sessions

ProLearn4All: Produtos Pedagógicos Inclusivos”: Catarina Mangas: Inclusion and Acessibility in Action Observatory of  the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences – Polytechnic of Leiria branch (iACT-CICS.NOVA-IPLeiria)

All Dance: Dança para Todos”: Marisa Barroso – Life Quality Research Center – Polytechnic of Leiria branch (CIEQV-IPLeiria) 

Help2Care: Apoio ao Autocuidado e Cuidadores“: Maria dos Anjos Dixe – Center for Innovative Care and Health Technology (ciTechCare)

Emedeu: Mediação Eletrónica na Administração da Justiça“ – Cátia Cebola e Susana Monteiro – Portucalense Institute for Legal Research – Polytechnic of Leiria branch (IJP-IPLeiria)

Abordagem Multidisciplinar para a Proteção da Vida Marinha“: Sérgio Leandro – MARE-IPLeiria

Análise do Desempenho Automóvel com Diferentes Combustíveis“ : Luís Serrano – Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics – Associated Laboratory for Energy, Transports and Aeronautics – Polytechnic of Leiria branch (ADAI-LAETA-IPLeiria)