PhD in Digitalization Engineering (Applications Open until January 31st)

New PhD in Digital Engineering: 3rd Application Phase until January 31, 2025

Polytechnic University of Leiria opens 3rd Application Phase for International PhD Program

The Polytechnic University of Leiria accepts applications until January 31st for the third phase of the first international PhD program in Digital Engineering. This program is offered in partnership with Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave (IPCA) and Technological University of the Shannon (TUS) in Ireland.

This new PhD program is also the first approved under the European University RUN-EU.

This international collaboration offers students the opportunity to benefit from the infrastructures, laboratories, and research groups of all three partner institutions, promoting a diverse and high-quality research environment.

The program is delivered by the Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão (ESTG) of the Polytechnic University of Leiria and focuses on developing research projects in new digital technologies applied to process and service automation, such as cyber-physical systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, Cloud and IoT systems, 5G technology (connectivity), as well as sustainable and intelligent energy systems. These fields are key drivers in the digital transition within industry and services, particularly in the industrial sectors.

The PhD program is part of the advanced training project of the three participating institutions and aims to contribute to the development and consolidation of competitiveness and innovation clusters in digital technologies. The program aligns with the smart specialization areas of the regions in which the institutions are located, integrating European programs and promoting internationalization.

It aims not only to train highly skilled human resources but also to enhance research activities and foster knowledge transfer and innovation in the regions covered by the European University (RUN-EU).

» + INFO (Announcement and Application):