politécnico de leiria R&D+i
Research Centres and Units
Politécnico de Leiria has 16 research units (three of them are non-profit of non-profit R&D association branches, and seven other are external research centres branches).
Our R&D+I centres and unites create knowledge in four scientific themes and deliver practical and applied solutions to various different questions, ranging from social, economic, technological, environmental, tourism, health and well-being issues.

Social Sciences and Humanities

Exact sciences and enginneering

Natural and environmental sciences

life sciences and health

Social Sciences and Humanities
CARME . Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics
School of Technology and Management – Leiria
Coordination: Cátia Crespo
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2886-7370
Ciência ID: 0615-6420-EC94
Email: catia.crespo@ipleiria.pt
Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics (CARME) is a research and development (R&D) unit, which emerges from the combined will and efforts of several professors from the Department of Management and Economics of the Polytechnic Leiria to pursue R&D activities in their areas of expertise and interest.
It aims to be a link between academia, industry and social partners.
Scientific Domains
Business management and administration; Regional economics and development; Management and International Business; Marketing; Accounting and Finance; Human resources and organizational behaviour; Sustainable development
Sustainable Development Goals

CARME mission is to enhance regional development and innovation, through integration between basic and applied research in management and economics, strongly oriented towards professional practice and engaging researchers, students, industry and non-profit organizations in a collaborative manner.
CICS.NOVA.IPLeiria . Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences
Polytechnic of Leiria branch | School of Education and Social Sciences – Leiria
Coordination: Cristóvão Margarido
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2479-5114
Ciência ID: E41E-A656-01A2
Email: cristovao.margarido@ipleiria.pt
The unit of CICS.NOVA at Leiria is based at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria’s School of Education and Social Sciences. It has developed its activity since 2002, when the Research Center on Identiy(ies) and Diversity(ies) was created. It’s researchers became, in 2015, members of the CICS.NOVA.IPLeiria.
Scientific Domains
Sociology; Geography; Anthropology; Inclusive education; Social service; Social Pedagogy
Sustainable Development Goals

CICS.NOVA’s mission is to conduct interdisciplinary research in social sciences, to promote critical thinking and disseminate the acquired knowledge in the concerned communities, both on the national and international level, namely through the action of its regional Poles (Leiria, Lisbon, Évora, Minho and Azores).
CI&DEI-IPLeiria . Center for Studies in Education and Innovation
Polytechnic of Leiria branch | School of Education and Social Sciences – Leiria
Coordination: Hélia Pinto
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7891-2523
Ciência ID: B211-F250-98AF
Email: helia.pinto@ipleiria.pt
The Center for Studies in Education and Innovation (CI&DEI), rated ‘Good’ in the last evaluation cycle by the Foundation for Science and Technology, was established in 2017 with the aim of fostering quality research in the field of education.
Scientific Domains
Educational policies, didactics, and training; Education for health and quality of life; Education for entrepreneurship and sustainability; Education, citizenship, and inclusion; ICT and multimedia in education
Sustainable Development Goals

Develop research in education. Support research and socio-educational intervention projects. Encourage interdisciplinary network research activities. Develop the integrated cooperation of its researchers. Establish the transfer of knowledge and technology, promote science and culture, and provide services to the community.
CIEQV-IPLeiria . Life Quality Research Center
Polytechnic of Leiria branch | School of Education and Social Sciences – Leiria
Subcoordenador eleito do CIEQV e Coordenador do Polo de Leiria: José Pedro Amoroso
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7901-5568
Ciência ID: E21A-EE66-EA87
Email: jose.amoroso@ipleiria.pt
Life Quality Research Center (LQRC-CIEQV) created in 2014 in a consortium (Polytechnic of Santarém and Polytechnic of Leiria), evaluated with the rating of ‘Good’ in the last evaluation cycle by the FCT and reached a very significant national and international prominence. For the 2025-2029 cycle, the Consortium has 108 integrated doctoral members and 107 collaborating members, four management Centers, Polytechnic of Santarem, Polytechnic of Beja, Polytechnic of Portalegre and Polytechnic of Setubal and one external center Polytechnic of Leiria.
Scientific Domains
Given the Center multidisciplinary nature, it comprises five scientific areas of activity corresponding to five research thematic lines: Education Science – Quality Education; Social Science – Social Sustainability and Entrepreneurships; Agricultural Science – Sustainable agri-food systems; Sport Science – Physical Activity and Sports; Health Science – Social Determinants and Health Indicators for Quality of Life
Sustainable Development Goals

Life Quality Research Center (LQRC-CIEQV) MISSION is to contribute to the improvement in the quality of life across human beings and contribute to the creation of knowledge and innovative programs, focusing on technological, sustainable, and innovative approaches.
CiTUR . Center for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation
School of Tourism and Maritime Technology – Peniche
Coordination: Paulo Almeida
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4797-2128
Ciência ID: 4A1F-A8CE-A5AE
Email: citur@ipleiria.pt
CiTUR is a R&D unit from the polytechnic subsystem of Portuguese higher education, which comprises over 230 researchers from 17 institutions (polytechnics and universities). CiTUR Leiria is based at ESTM, Peniche, develops research focused on Tourism and related areas, seeking a sustainable social and economic development.
Scientific Domains
Tourism economics and management; Tourism, hospitality and restaurant industry; E-tourism, culture, society and language; Territory and tourist destinations; Planning and management of tourism products
Sustainable Development Goals

Focus on fostering multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary applied research, and on stimulating the production and sharing of scientific knowledge in tourism. CiTUR Leiria aims to promote applied research, scientific dissemination, training and to provide external services in tourism and related areas.
IJP-IPLeiria . Portucalense Institute for Legal Research
Polytechnic of Leiria branch | School of Technology and Management – Leiria
Coordination: Susana Almeida
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2395-5032
Ciência ID: 2E14-28ED-B490
Email: susana.almeida@ipleiria.pt
The Leiria branch of the Portucalense Institute for Legal Research (IJP) is a multidisciplinary research unit, composed of researchers from different areas of research, and its mission is to carry out research projects and scientific activities in combination with teaching, training and external services activities.
Scientific Domains
Commercial and Corporate Law; Labor Law; Contract Law and Consumer Law; European Law and Human Rights; Extrajudicial Conflict Resolution: Mediation and Arbitration; Public Policies.
Sustainable Development Goals

The mission of IJP-IPLeiria is to carry out academic research in the field of legal sciences applied to the needs of citizens, individuals, consumers, companies and local institutions, with a particular focus on ecological transition and digital transformation.
LIDA . Laboratory in Design and Arts
School of Arts and Design – Caldas da Rainha
Coordination: Renato Bispo
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6401-9427
Ciência ID: 0718-23DA-D3A2
Email: renato.bispo@ipleiria.pt
LiDA – Laboratory in Design and Arts is a research unit based at the School of Arts and Design of the Polytechnic of Leiria. LiDA comprises a team of researchers mainly composed by ESAD.CR professors, with 50 PhD members or specialists.
Scientific Domains
Design, Arts and Culture
Sustainable Development Goals

LiDA´s mission is to develop research activities through projects in cooperation with companies, public entities or other national and international institutions. It seeks to promote awareness about the role of Design, Arts and Culture as forms of knowledge and sociocultural intervention.

Exact Sciences and Enginneering
ADAI-IPLeiria . Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics
Polytechnic of Leiria Delegation | School of Technology and Management – Leiria
Coordination: Luís Serrano
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2864-7597
Ciência ID: C811-CF46-B837
Email: luis.serrano@ipleiria.pt
Within the scope of scientific-technological research and development in Automotive Engineering, the ADAI Polytechnic of Leiria Delegation appears with the aim of carrying out projects and activities to provide services to the community, integrating the skills, resources and know-how of both ADAI and the Polytechnic of Leiria
Scientific Domains
Heat transmission and thermodynamics; Fuels and environmental sustainability; Fluid dynamic simulation; Motor vehicle propulsion systems; Life cycle analysis
Sustainable Development Goals

Within the scope of its areas of specialty, ADAI’s main objectives are:
• Creation and promotion of scientific and technological infrastructures;
• Advanced scientific training;
• Promotion and carrying out fundamental and applied research;
• External Services provider.
CDRSP . Center for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development
CDRSP – Marinha Grande
Coordination: Rui Ruben
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5407-0579
Ciência ID: 0A14-A279-7C05
Email: rui.ruben@ipleiria.pt
CDRSP is a research unit at the Polytechnic of Leiria. It currently has 12 laboratories and more than 200 national and international partnerships that contribute to the success of its activities. It carries out scientific and technological research, consultancy services and advanced training.
Scientific Domains
Engineering; Materials; Computer simulation and modelling; Technologies advanced manufacturing
Sustainable Development Goals

CDRSP is a leading research center that aims to contribute to scientific and technological development through new products, materials, and more sustainable, effective, and efficient processes.
Since 2021, CDRSP is part of the Advanced Production and Intelligent Systems (ARISE) Associated Laboratory (AL). ARISE is an association of five R&D Units, interfacing public entities of 3 Universities – Coimbra, Minho, and Porto, through the R&D Units CEMMPRE, ISR-C, ISISE, SYSTEC – and one Higher Education institution – IPL, through CDRSP.
Research, advanced training, and consultancy services are essential areas that complement the CDRSP’s strategy. The CDRSP’s activities cover diverse areas, but it has focused much of its work on the additive manufacturing, processing, and characterization of new materials for applications in engineering fields like mechanical, biomedical, automotive, aeronautics, and civil. Each component of CDRSP strategy reinforces the internationalization of CDRSP and positions it as a global center in Direct Digital Manufacturing.
CIIC . Computer Science and Communication Research Centre
School of Technology and Management – Leiria
Coordination: Nuno Rodrigues
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0953-6018
Ciência ID: 8619-41F3-CC65
Email: nunorod@ipleiria.pt
CIIC is a reference partner in R&D in the areas of Smart IoT Ecosystems, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics, Artificial Intelligence, with scientific specialization in an international context. With proven experience in innovatively solving technology-based problems and improving economic activities.
Scientific Domains
Smart IoT Ecosystems; Virtual and Augmented Reality; Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics; Artificial Intelligence
Sustainable Development Goals

CIIC’s mission is to conduct high-quality research and innovation with regional, national and global impact, provide advanced education and training, promote and disseminate scientific knowledge and technological development, provide technical services and scientific advice to private and public organisations and stimulate technology transfer in the main areas of Information and Communication Technologies.
LSRE-LCM-IPLeiria . Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering – Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials
Polytechnic of Leiria branch | School of Technology and Management – Leiria
Coordination: Judite Vieira
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7982-5686
Ciência ID: EA1B-12E3-7703
Email: judite.vieira@ipleiria.pt
The LSRE-LCM-IPLeiria was created in 2011 and currently integrates the largest Portuguese Associated Laboratory in Chemical Engineering, ALiCE, with a very relevant intervention in the areas of Environmental Engineering and Bioengineering.
Scientific Domains
Chemical engineering; Environmental biotechnology; Environmental sciences and technologies
Sustainable Development Goals

The mission of LSRE-LCM-IPLeiria is to contribute to the development of scientific and technological knowledge in the areas of Chemical and Biological Processes, including curriculum development, research initiatives, and practical applications. The current activities cover various expertise levels, from fundamental research to creating industrial products and processes. This inclusive approach combines materials science, process and product engineering knowledge inputs, and sustainable agricultural production systems.
INESCC-IPLeiria . Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers at Coimbra
Polytechnic of Leiria delegation | School of Technology and Management – Leiria
Coordination: Luís Neves
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2600-5622
Ciência ID: 591E-30D4-2C97
Email: luis.neves@ipleiria.pt
INESCC is a non-profit R&D institute, affiliated with the University of Coimbra, the Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers and the Polytechnic of Leiria, pursuing the activities of the former Coimbra branch of INESC. A delegation of INESCC is located in Leiria since 2009.
Scientific Domains
Electrical and computer engineering; Civil and geospatial engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Management; Mathematics
Sustainable Development Goals

Carrying out scientific research, technological development, transfer and integration of knowledge, and support for the training of human resources, based on Engineering and Management Sciences/Operational Research, aiming to contribute on the improving of the performance of companies and institutions and progress of knowledge.
IT-IPLeiria . Instituto de Telecomunicações
Polytechnic of Leiria delegation | School of Technology and Management – Leiria
Coordination: Sérgio Faria
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0993-9124
Ciência ID: 8815-4101-28DD
Email: sergio.faria@ipleiria.pt
IT is a private, not-for-profit organization, of public interest, funded in 1995, with the status of associate laboratory since 2001 and recognized as Centre of Technological Interface since 2018. IT is a partnership of 9 institutions, with 3 branches, 4 delegations and 1 external laboratory with R&D in the field of Telecommunications.
Scientific Domains
Processing and coding of multimedia signals and medical images; Computer vision; Antennas and propagation; Electromagnetic compatibility; Cyber-physical systems; Remote detection; Radio connectivity
Sustainable Development Goals

IT’s mission is to create and disseminate new knowledge and support advanced training in the broad field of the Technologies of Information, Communications and Electronics (TICE), with a special emphasis on Telecommunications. IT is involved in the research field of telecommunications both nationally and internationally. It also promotes higher education and training, by welcoming and monitoring undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Natural and Environmental Sciences
MARE-IPLeiria . Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre
Polytechnic of Leiria Regional Research Unit | School of Tourism and Maritime Technology – Peniche
Coordination: Maria Jorge Campos
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0883-0610
Ciência ID: 2416-7867-2D40
Email: mcampos@ipleiria.pt
MARE-IPLeiria focuses its research and technological development on marine sciences, more specifically on the emerging sectors of the blue economy, such as Marine Biotechnology, Aquaculture, Marine Biology and Conservation and Marine Food Resources.
Scientific Domains
Marine Biotechnology, Aquaculture, Marine Biology and Conservation and Marine Food Resources, Science Dissemination
Sustainable Development Goals

MARE seeks excellence in the study of aquatic ecosystems and disseminates this knowledge to support human progress and sustainable development policies. This is achieved through collaborative networks, developed at both national and international levels, focusing on scientific research, education, knowledge and technology transfer, and science dissemination.

Life Sciences and Health
CIDESD-IPLeiria . Research Center in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences and Human Development
Polytechnic of Leiria branch| School of Education and Social Sciences – Leiria
Coordination: Rui Matos
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2034-0585
Ciência ID: E91C-D6C7-62A5
Email: rui.matos@ipleiria.pt
The Research Center in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences and Human Development (CIDESD) is a cross-institutional technical and scientifically multi-disciplinary unity of applied research hosted in the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (Vila Real) and composed by 7 Higher Educational Institutions and scored with the rating of ‘Very Good’ in the last evaluation cycle by the FCT.
Scientific Domains
Sports Sciences; Health; Human development
Sustainable Development Goals

The mission of CIDESD is to help developing human resources, capable of handling autonomous interventions under the domains of sports sciences, health and human development. This mission is particularly integrated in the goal 3 from the Sustainable Development Goals described in the 2030 agenda from the United Nations: ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
ciTechCare . Center for Innovative Care and Health Technology
School of Health Sciences – Leiria
Coordination: Maria Guarino
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6079-1105
Ciência ID: F21A-BD01-2D52
Email: citechcare@ipleiria.pt
ciTechCare is a R&D unit of Polytechnic of Leiria dedicated to advancing healthcare through advanced solutions that empower patients and caregivers improving their quality of life. Building upon our foundation, we use interdisciplinary approaches to craft earlier diagnose tools, therapies, and technological solutions while deepening our commitment to sustainable human development. Our research activity is structured around the topics of Health Promotion and Care (HPC) and Innovation in Clinical Technology (ICT).
Scientific Domains
Medical and Health Sciences; Engineering and Technology Sciences – Medical Engineering
Sustainable Development Goals

At ciTechCare, our mission is advancing healthcare through pioneering solutions that empower both patients and caregivers and enhance quality of life, by integrating cutting-edge technologies while adhering to the principles of sustainable human development.