European funding for cultural and artistic projects: how, when, where and why?
Sara Machado
APRIL 15TH OF 2024, 6PM
How to obtain funding for a cultural and artistic project is a fairly common (and ongoing) question in this sector. But it doesn’t have to be “the elephant in the room”.
This session will map out the main lines of funding at European level and provide practical tips on how to write an application to the Creative Europe programme.
It is especially aimed at those who are looking to internationalise their work and/or are receptive to transnational collaborative projects.
Sara Machado (1984), cultural manager, has a degree in Information Science from the University of Porto and a master’s degree in Cultural Management from the Carlos III University in Madrid. Her professional career has been built up in different organisations and countries: Festival Escena Contemporánea and Ministry of Culture [ES], European Cultural Foundation [NL], Pearle* Live Performance Europe [BE] and EIRA / CUMPLICIDADES – Lisbon International Contemporary Dance Festival [PT]. She has received scholarships from ISPA – International Society for the Performing Arts [USA], Tandem Shaml [DE], ASEF – Asia Europe Foundation “Mobility First” [SG] and Producers Academy [BE].
She is currently responsible for the Culture and News Media section of the Creative Europe Information Centre, which represents the European Union’s programme in Portugal to exclusively support the cultural and creative sectors.