LUZZA IN prizes
Diogo Nobre, Luísa Fernandes e Zuzanna Sikora
The LUZZA IN national competition results, that started in 2023 by AIPI – Association of Portuguese Lighting Industries, were divulged on October 20th, in a public presentation in Porto. All three prizes were won by ESAD.CR’s Industrial Design Undergraduate Program students Diogo Nobre, Luísa Fernandes e Zuzanna Sikora, who developed their work in the context of the curricular unit Industrial Design Project III. According to AIPI this award intended to present and reposition the Portuguese lightning sector, through close collaboration with schools and universities.
Diogo Nobre created a lamp in which the movement of the opaque cylinder over the see through one allows the user to manually regulate the light intensity.
The hanging lamp by Luísa Fernandes is an interactive object made of ceramic pieces that, by being repositioned, produce different lightning effects.
The bent sheet metal of the table lamp by Zuzanna Sikora works simultaneously as primary material for its construction as well as reflective element of light.
photography credits: Ivo Oliveira Rodrigues