Center for Innovative Care and Health Technology (ciTechCare) is a solution-driven research, development and innovation unit devoted to advancing global health through a multidisciplinary, interprofessional and technology driven approach towards healthy lifestyle, disease prevention and early diagnosis, established according to the rules and regulations of Polytechnic of Leiria.
ciTechCare’s mission is to deploy state-of-the-art technologies to boost health promotion and care services, aiming to help healthcare professionals achieving faster diagnosis and improved therapies, to empower patients and caregivers with incremental quality of life tools and to deliver healthier nutritional solutions, as part of a broad preventive perspective of what healthcare should be. ciTechCare goals are also to broaden network partnerships, attract young researchers and national and international funding.
ciTechCare’s translational research aims are:
a. Design and patent innovative biomarker-based computer-aided early diagnosis systems and disease-monitoring devices;
b. Promote innovative approaches and interactive tools to promote healthy behaviours and increase health literacy among young population;
c. Prototype digital technologies and innovative systems to target the real needs of patients and caregivers and promote independent living in patients with reduced autonomy;
d. Develop and optimise functional food products; e. Conduct clinical trials to validate the newly-developed innovations and ensure their rapid transfer to clinical practice and society.