Difusão da Informação

Estimativas de População Residente em Portugal – 2016

Nos últimos sete anos, a população reduziu-se em 264 mil pessoas.


Em 31 de dezembro de 2016, a população residente em Portugal foi estimada em 10 309 573 pessoas (menos 31 757 face a 2015). Este resultado traduziu-se numa taxa de crescimento efetivo negativa de -0,31%, reflexo da conjugação de saldos natural e migratório negativos.
Registou-se um novo aumento do número de nascimentos (87 126 nados-vivos), contudo esse aumento foi insuficiente para compensar o número de óbitos (110 535), mantendo-se o saldo natural negativo (-23 409 em 2016, comparado a  23 011 em 2015).
Apesar da diminuição do número de emigrantes e da estabilização do número de imigrantes continuou a verificar-se um saldo migratório negativo (-8 348), ainda que mais atenuado comparativamente com 2015 (-10 481).
O envelhecimento demográfico em Portugal acentuou-se: face a 2015, a população com menos de 15 anos de idade diminuiu para 1 442 416 (-18 416) e a população com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos aumentou para 2 176 640 pessoas (+35 816); a população mais idosa (idade igual ou superior a 85 anos) foi estimada em 285 616 (+12 234).
Em 2016, a idade média da população residente em Portugal situou-se em 43,9 anos, tendo aumentado cerca de 3 anos na última década.


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Novidades bibliográficas – Biblioteca Campus 4 (ESTM)

JUNHO 2017






Título: Gestão de marcas: uma abordagem empreendedora para as PME vencerem em mercados globais

 Autor: Victor Tavares

Cota: 659.126/16


O livro mais completo, atualizado e aplicado sobre a gestão da marca em PME. Este livro visa dar um contributo, de uma forma pioneira e com rigor metodológico, para o conhecimento sobre como e porque se poderão construir marcas de sucesso em PME numa envolvente tão complexa e dinâmica.



Título: Dynamic identities : how to create a living brand

 Autor: Irene van Nes

 Cota: 659.126/17

The visual book looks into design systems for brand identities that produces identities that are alive, meaning that they can change, generate new versions based on external data. The books offers a systematic process of creating brand identities that are alive and gives the reader a wealth of examples of international identities that were built on the discussed systems.


Título: Packaging design : successful product branding from concept to shelf

Autor: Marianne R. Klimchuk, Sandra A. Krasovec

Cota: 659.126/18

Now in full-color throughout, Packaging Design, Second Edition has been fully updated to secure its place as the most comprehensive resource of professional information for creating packaging designs that serve as the marketing vehicles for consumer products.



Título: Retail product management : buying and merchandising

 Autor: Rosemary Varley

 Cota: 658.7/11

Retailers must be primed to face increasingly difficult trading conditions thanks to the rise of the internet, increasingly better informed consumers, technological advances and an often competitive environment. This established textbook, now in its third edition, helps to provide students with the necessary skills to understand and tackle these challenges.

Título: Marketing management

Autor: Philip T. Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller

Cota: 658.8/223

The world of marketing is changing everyday–and in order for students to have a competittive advantage, they need a textbook that reflects the best  of today’s marketing theory and practices. Marketing Management is the gold standard marketing text because its content and organization consistently reflect the latest changes in today’s marketing theory and practice.
 the menagers  

Título: The manager’s guide to distribution channels

Autor: Linda Gorchels, Edward Marien, Chuck West

Cota: 658.8/224

Channel management has become one of the most important components of a firm’s competitive strategy, with mistakes often costing companies millions–and channel managers their careers. The Manager’s Guide to Distribution Channels provides managers and decision makers with proven tools and go-to-market strategies for refining channel strategies and managing distribution relationships.

Título: Marketing 3.0 : do produto e do consumidor até ao espírito humano

Autor: Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya e Iwan Setiwan

Cota: 658.8/225

Esta é uma obra crucial para compreender as modernas tendências dos consumidores e de que forma as empresas têm de se lhes adaptar. Marketing 3.0 surge como uma rotura com os antigos modelos. Indo além das abordagens baseadas no produto (Marketing 1.0) e no consumidor (Marketing 2.0), esta obra adopta uma nova perspectiva, mais abrangente, que encara os consumidores como pessoas multidimensionais, com valores enraizados e, até, como potenciais colaboradores.
 marketing hospitality  

Título: Marketing for hospitality and tourism

Autor: Philip T. Kotler, John T. Bowen, James Makens, Seyhmus Baloglu

Cota: 658.8:338.48/37

Taking an integrative approach, this highly visual, four-color book discusses hospitality marketing from a team perspective, examining each hospitality department and its role in the marketing mechanism. These best-selling authors are known as leading marketing educators and their book, a global phenomenon, is the leading resource on hospitality and tourism marketing.

Título: Hotels & catering : book 1

Autor: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Veronica Garza

Cota: 811.111/63

Career Paths English: Hotels and Catering is a new educational resource for hospitality professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.

Título: Tourism : book 1

Autor: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Veronica Garza

Cota: 811.111/64

Career Paths Tourism is a new educational resource for tourism professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing.
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Índices de Volume de Negócios, Emprego, Remunerações e Horas Trabalhadas na Indústria – Abril de 2017


O Índice de Volume de Negócios na Indústria registou uma variação homóloga nominal de 1,2% em abril, após ter crescido 13,8% no mês anterior. O índice relativo ao mercado externo passou de um crescimento de 20,9% em março para 2,6% em abril, enquanto que o índice de vendas para o mercado nacional apresentou uma variação homóloga nula (8,4% no mês precedente).
O emprego, as remunerações e as horas trabalhadas apresentaram crescimentos homólogos de 2,7%, 1,5% e 1,4%, respetivamente (2,5%, 4,1% e 5,4% em março, pela mesma ordem).

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Vamos falar de leitura e bibliotecas? – Entrevistas aos leitores da Biblioteca do Campus 3 (ESAD.CR)

Vamos falar_junho_2017



















Flora Moura Horta

Qual o curso que frequenta?
Design Gráfico e Multimédia.

Que género de leitura gosta mais?
Fantasia, aventura, policiais e não-ficção.

Algum livro que tenha sido marcante? Porquê?
“A Series of Unfortunate Events”. Pelo estilo da escrita, a surrealidade do mundo em que as personagens principais estão versus a lógica do raciocínio dessas personagens.
Não sendo um mundo mágico é um mundo muito interessante e misterioso.

Uma definição de biblioteca:
Conjunto de diferentes fontes de conhecimento/informação.




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Sugestões de leitura da Biblioteca do Campus 3 (ESAD.CR) – junho 2017

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Sugestões de leitura da Biblioteca do Campus 4 (ESTM) – junho 2017

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Sugestões de leitura da Biblioteca do Campus 1 (ESECS) – junho 2017

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Novidades bibliográficas – Biblioteca Campus 3 (ESAD.CR)

JUNHO 2017



Título: Looking closer : critical writings on graphic design

Ed. lit. Michael Bierut, Steven Heller, William Drenttel

Cota: 744-83


Looking Closer is a collection of the best contemporary writing about graphic design, including theoretical, practical, business-oriented, philosophical, and humorous essays. Selected by a prestigious editorial committee composed of Michael Bierut, William Drenttel, Steven Heller,and DK Holland, the essays reflect on inspiration, ethics, “isms,” the impact of new technology, and the role of design in the larger culture.

Allworth Press, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing, publishes a broad range of books on the visual and performing arts, with emphasis on the business of art. Our titles cover subjects such as graphic design, theater, branding, fine art, photography, interior design, writing, acting, film, how to start careers, business and legal forms, business practices, and more. While we don’t aspire to publish a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are deeply committed to quality books that help creative professionals succeed and thrive. We often publish in areas overlooked by other publishers and welcome the author whose expertise can help our audience of readers.



Título: The design culture reader

ed. lit. Ben Highmore

Cota: 74-88


Design is part of ordinary, everyday life, to be found in every room in every building in the world. While we may tend to think of design in terms of highly desirable objects, this book encourages us to think about design as ubiquitous (from plumbing to television) and as an agent of social change (from telephones to weapon systems).

The Design Culture Reader brings together an international array of writers whose work is of central importance for thinking about design culture in the past, present and future. Essays from philosophers, media and cultural theorists, historians of design, anthropologists, cultural historians, artists and literary critics all demonstrate the enormous potential of design studies for understanding the modern world.

Organised in thematic sections, The Design Culture Reader explores the social role of design by looking at the impact it has in a number of areas – especially globalisation, ecology, and the changing experiences of modern life. Particular essays focus on topics such as design and the senses, design and war and design and technology, while the editor’s introduction to the collection provides a compelling argument for situating design studies at the very forefront of contemporary thought.



Título: Novos princípios do urbanismo : seguido de Novos compromissos urbanos – um léxico

Autor: François Ascher

Cota: 711.4-128


Esta edição reúne as duas últimas obras de François Ascher sobre urbanismo: Les Nouveaux Principes de L’Urbanisme – La fin des villes n’est pas à l’ordre du jour (2001) e Les Nouveaux Compromis Urbains – Lexique de la ville plurielle (2008).

Consagrado com o Grand Prix de l’Urbanisme 2009, François Ascher (1945-2009) foi um dos mais influentes investigadores e profeta do novo paradigma do urbanismo contemporâneo que anunciara em 1995 com Metapolis: Acerca do Futuro da Cidade.



Título: Acoustic territories : sound culture and everyday life

Autor: Brandon LaBelle

Cota: 534-11


Acoustic Territories: Sound Culture and Everyday Life offers an expansive reading of auditory life. It provides a careful consideration of the performative dynamics inherent to sound culture and acts of listening, and discusses how auditory studies may illuminate understandings of contemporary society. Combining research on urbanism, popular culture and auditory issues, Acoustic Territories opens up multiple perspectives – it challenges debates surrounding noise pollution and charts an “acoustic politics of space” by unfolding auditory experience as located within larger cultural histories and related ideologies.

Brandon LaBelle traces auditory life through a topographic structure: beginning with underground territories, through to the home as a site, and then further, to streets and neighborhoods, and finally to the sky itself. This structure follows sound as it appears in specific auditory designs, as it is mobilized within various cultural projects, and queries how it comes to circulate through everyday life as a medium for social transformation. Acoustic Territories uncovers the embedded tensions and potentiality inherent to sound as it exists in the everyday spaces around us.

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Dissertações de Mestrado da ESAD.CR disponíveis no repositório Ic-Online

Mestrado em Artes Plásticas

Título: As formas do informe

Autor: Viktoria Sydorenko

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Mestrado em Design Gráfico

Título: Autoria e originalidade na perspectiva do tropo matricial : Apropriação, Mashup e Remix como pressupostos para a criação original

Autor: Frank Reis Oliveira

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Mestrado em Design Gráfico

Título: The logo in the Heavy Metal culture : Understanding and registration of existing codes and visual patterns

Autor: Marco Rafael da Silva Alexandre

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Mestrado em Design Gráfico

Título: Design thinking e o processo de rebranding : rebranding empresarial

Autor: Tiago dos Santos Carvalhinho

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Novidades bibliográficas – Biblioteca Campus 4 (ESTM)

MAIO 2017


Manual prático de gestão e controlo de alimentos e bebidas

 Autor: Fernando Brito

Cota: 640.4/53

Este pequeno manual prático pretende, de uma forma despretensiosa fazer uma abordagem simples à Gestão de Alimentos e Bebidas. Aborda essencialmente a parte prática do tema, podendo ser mais uma pequena ajuda prática para aqueles que gerem ou exploram estabelecimentos de restauração e bebidas, tais como; bares, restaurantes, cafés, discotecas ou outros.


Logo design love : guide to creating iconic brand identities

 Autor: David Airey

Cota: 659.126/15


“Completely updated and expanded, the second edition of David Airey’s Logo Design Love contains more of just about everything that made the first edition so great: more case studies, more sketches, more logos, more tips for working with clients, more insider stories, and more practical information for getting the job and getting it done right. In Logo Design Love, David shows you how to develop an iconic brand identity from start to finish, (…)


The non-designer’s design book

Autor: Robin Williams

Cota: 7/72

Now in its fourth edition, The Non-Designer’s Design Book offers even more practical design advice, including a new chapter on the fundamentals of typography, more quizzes and exercises to train your Designer Eye, updated projects for you to try, and new visual and typographic examples to inspire your creativity.


Graphic design : the new basics

 Autor: Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole Phillips

Cota: 7/73


The revised and updated edition (…) include 16 additional pages, featuring new examples of student and professional work throughout the book, new chapters on Visualizing Data, Typography, Modes of Representation, and Gestalt Principles, as well as additional material for the chapters on Color, Herarchy, and Grids and expanded didactic material throughout.


Marketing Relacional : como transformar a fidelização de clientes numa vantagem competitiva

 Autor: Alzira Marques

Cota: 658.8/221


O livro adota uma abordagem simultaneamente didática e objetiva que o torna obrigatório para um amplo leque de utilizadores, (…). Os estudos de caso propostos ilustram bem o âmbito, a importância e os resultados suscetíveis de serem alcançados quando a empresa abandona uma abordagem transacional com os seus clientes e passa a adotar uma estratégia relacional.


Título: Relationship marketing : creating stakeholder value

 Autor: Martin Christopher, Adrian Payne, David Ballantyne

Cota: 658.8/222


Relationship Marketing: Creating Stakeholder Value extends the analysis of the change in the marketing rationale from a crude concern for increased market share to a strategy aimed at creating long-term profitable relationships with targeted customers. Offering a cutting edge vision of relationship marketing, Relationship Marketing: Creating Stakeholder Value is a seminal text for all students and managers in the field.


Crises de ameaças a oportunidades : gestão estratégica de comunicação de crises

Autor: Coord. António Marques Mendes e Francisco Costa Pereira

Cota: 658/214


A presente obra, (…)  junta numa só publicação os contributos de vários especialistas que se têm vindo a debruçar sobre estas matérias. Depois de na primeira parte apresentar uma visão enquadradora sobre a gestão da comunicação de crises, apresenta, na segunda parte, diversos casos práticos (Coca-Cola Bélgica, Entre-os-Rios Portugal, etc.) que contemplam cronologias sobre os acontecimentos, análise das circunstâncias e reflexões sobre os desenvolvimentos verificados.


Into the wild

Autor: Jon Krakauer

Cota: 82-992/7


Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild examines true story of Chris McCandless, a young man, who in 1992 walked deep into the Alaskan wilderness and whose SOS note and emaciated corpse were found four months later, internationally bestselling author Jon Krakauer explores the obsession which leads some people to explore the outer limits of self, leave civilization behind and seek enlightenment through solitude and contact with nature.


Absolute stationery design : and integrated identity graphics

 Autor: Sandu Cultural Media

Cota: 659.1/25


For most companies, there are many opportunities to reinforce their brand from business cards and letterhead, to websites, applications and promotional material. While the design of these artifacts of branding usually merit focused volumes of their own, the projects presented in Absolute Stationery Design represent campaigns that are so strong and cohesive that none of the individual parts need be removed.


Título: Marine microbiology : ecology and applications

 Autor: Colin Munn

Cota: 574.5/25


Marine Microbiology brings together microbial biology and ecology to create an integrated approach that addresses environmental management, human health, and economic concerns. The Second Edition takes into account many new discoveries in the field (…)

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