student financial support
Scholarships are annual nonrefundable student financial benefits that we give to students when they don’t hold a specific minimum level of financial resources.
How to apply
Before applying, you need to ensure you meet the eligibility requirements as defined in the Scholarship Regulation (Portuguese).
You should apply online via the BeOn Platform.
If you’re enrolled in a study programme at Politécnico de Leiria but have never applied for a scholarship, please request your credentials to apply.
If you’ve applied to one of our scholarships in the previous academic year, you can use the same user credentials to apply.
In case you’ve forgotten your credentials, request your password recovery at the Student Reserved Area or contact the Social Services.
Application deadlines
- From 25 June to 30 September.
- If you’ve registered after 30 September, you can only apply for a scholarship in the first 20 business days after you’ve registered with Politécnico de Leiria.
- You can also apply for a scholarship from 1 October to 31 May, but the amount you’ll get will be proportional to number of months you’ll study.
If you’re doing an internship, you can only apply for a scholarship in the first 20 business days after you’ve started your internship.
For further information, contact the Politécnico de Leiria’s Social Services.

Special Educational Needs
If you have a disability or impairment higher than 60%, you can apply for a scholarship that covers your tuition fees in total.
To apply for a Special Educational Need scholarship, you must:
- be enroled and registered in a Portuguese higher education institution;
- have a medical written proof of your disability or impairment;
- not owe money to the Portuguese tax system and national insurance.
For further information, check out DGES’s website.
social services
FASE Scholarships
FASE scholarships are student financial support measures promoted by the Politécnico de Leiria’s Social Services. They help students who face economic difficulties finish their study programmes.
These scholarships aim to prevent school drop-out and failure, facilitating the social and academic integration of students.
FASE Scholarships Regulation – Portuguese
For more information, contact our Social Services.
Required documents
Declaration 1
Bolsa de Estudo – Declaração sob compromisso de honra – outros rendimentos