Management Information

politécnico de leiria

Strategic Plan

In this document, we set goals, priorities, ambitions, and the route to achieving them. As the driving force of any strategy execution, it directs the efforts of everyone towards a common objective.

politécnico de leiria

Gender Equality, Non-discrimination and Inclusion Plan

The main objective of the Gender Equality, Non-discrimination and Inclusion Plan of Politécnico de Leiria is to create a tool that promotes equality and identifies existing good practices and aspects that should be improved through the implementation of specific measures.

Gender Equality Plan


Management Information

All documents are written in Portuguese.


Internal Management Guide

The Internal Management Guide contains the rules and procedures that must be adopted by Politécnico de Leiria when managing public resources, in accordance with the law and the present regulations.

Manual de Controlo Interno (PT Doc)


Fraud and Transparency Management Plan

The Fraud and Transparency Management Plan helps identify the risk of corruption and fraud in the institution, in line with the legislation and recommendations provided by the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the Group of States against Corruption.

The Fraud and Transparency Management Council of Politécnico de Leiria promotes prestigious and rigorous management practices in the workplace.

As an uninterrupted work, it involves identifying the risks and, consequently, implementing prevention measures.

As a public institution, this management instrument is essential to promote a collective responsibility consciousness and culture.

(All documents are written in Portuguese)

Formulário – Declaração de Compromisso 


All documents are written in Portuguese.