Sucess experiences that will inspire you!
Student Stories

Braima Camará | Guiné-Bissau
Programme:Relações Humanas e Com. Org.
School: ESECS
Braima is an African student who came from Guiné and earned a bachelor’s degree in human relations.
“I am very happy around children!”
Braima is a teacher whose dream is to return to his home country…
Discover the rest of his story

Emma Sena
Emma is a Portuguese student pursuing a degree in Translation and Interpretation in Portuguese/Chinese – Chinese/Portuguese at the Polytechnic University of Leiria. Here, you can read about her journey in the second year of the bachelor’s program while studying at Beijing Language and Culture University.
“I am deeply interested in oriental culture!”
Emma is a student whose dream is to travel the world …
Discover the rest of her story