Restaurant and Catering Management

Restaurant and Catering Management

Course Type:
Bachelor’s Programme

Programme Introduction

In the undergratuate in Restaurant and Catering Management is used a method of teaching and learning based on the development of skills crucial to prepare professionals who are able to adapt to the continuous changes observed in the restaurant industry.Training managers for the restaurant and catering industry which prepares professionals who are perceptive and proficient both in scientific/technical terms to address a number of significant changes in the sector evolution of the profile and motivations of demand technological developments sector organisation and evolution of the labour market.Identifying and understanding the dynamics of restaurant industry development in its historical sociological economic environmental contexts as well as its essential bibliographic support.Understanding the importance of restaurant industry in contemporary societies and its contribution to tourism.Analysing the major theories of management and applying them according to their suitability to specific situations in the field of restaurant industry.

Certified by UNWTO TedQual da Organização Mundial do Turismo

Programme Coordinator

Carla Isabel Santos de Sousa Bento








Morning & Afternoon


6 semesters


General contingent  25
International student contingent  4

DGES certification


  • Provide knowledge and essential skills, with the intention of organizing and strategically structure the sector for future challenges in the restaurant industry;
  • Qualify professionals able to dominate the management, organization of technical and direction of restaurants, catering enterprises, hotels and food production enterprises;
  • Promote the development and mastery of technical and scientific skills in food control areas, the level of its confection, plating and service;
  • Promoting a culture of rigor and motivation contributing to the differentiation of the food and beverage manager through the acquisition of specific skills and techniques for the implementation of a quality service;
  • Increase notoriety of companies in the sector with the collaboration of graduates in Restaurant and Catering Management with the implementation of knowledge and skills acquired throughout their education in the degree.

Study Plan

ECTS: 180

Entry Requirements

Provas de Ingresso
Uma das seguintes provas:
(04) Economia
(17) Matemática Aplicada às Ciências Sociais
(18) Português

Consulte a Deliberação, fixada para cada ano letivo, que estabelece a correspondência entre os exames nacionais do ensino secundário e as provas de ingresso no Portal da Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior.


Área de influência: Coimbra, Leiria, Lisboa e Santarém
Vagas: 40%


Outros acessos preferenciais
Cursos com acesso preferencial: 716, 727, 733, G31, G37, G56, P51, P91, P96, S54, S55, S56, S57, S58, S59, S67, S78, T40
Vagas: 20%


Classificações mínimas
Nota de candidatura: 100 pontos
Provas de ingresso: 95 pontos


Fórmula de cálculo
Média do secundário: 65%
Provas de ingresso: 35%


Estudante internacional
Todas as informações relacionadas com a candidatura do Estudante Internacional ao IPLeiria devem ser consultadas na  página de Candidaturas de Estudantes Internacionais


State: Accredited
Number of years of accreditation: 1
Publication date: 08-05-2017

A3ES Accreditation

A3ES Sel-Assessment Report

More Information

Application Fee


Enrolment Fee

General contingent 30 €
International student contingent 100 €

Tuition Fee

General contingent 697 €
International student contingent  3000 €


Online Application

Use the button bellow to start your application.